Just want to wish you all a Happy New Year.
Sorry it is a bit late, but New Years Day is my Grandfather birthday
and he turned 67 this year. I also had to do so unwanted cleaning of the house,
like taking the tree and other Christmas decor down. Yay, that is so much fun.
Well anyways I finally got my blogger decorated thanks to Allison Brown.
If you need yours spruced up head over to her blog to find the layout you are looking for
and easy directions for setting it up.
HEREI also have some photos from the holidays to show you.
On Dec. 19th Sean's Class had their Christmas Party.

Sean and his best friend


Snowflake Cupcakes that he took to the party

Christmas Eve
cookies and a coloring for Santa

Christmas Tree After Santa came

Sean opening his gifts

Seth opening his gifts

And my 28th Birthday was the 28th of December.
Robby and the boys bought me a cake, with ladybugs on it.
It was so cute and if you know me, you know how much I love ladybugs.

frames are from Candice Wong Designs Basic Frame Pack